Happy Playing

" I wanna start playing Skateboard! " I said. " Is there anything that you don't play? " mommy replied. ...

" I wanna start playing Skateboard! " I said.
" Is there anything that you don't play? " mommy replied.

Every time I got interest and start on something new, I say I wanna play - I wanna play Muay Thai, I wanna play baking, and I wanna play...

Everything become so much FUN when you're playing, so why not play more?

It is my way to explore and to learn new things in life without forcing myself to achieve something from it. I always believe when you're doing something you LOVE you wont quit easily and therefore - Practice make perfect, YOU WILL BE THERE eventually.

" 我要玩滑板啦~ " 我说。
" 什么事你都可以拿来玩厚~ " 妈妈一副受不了的样子对我说。

也没错啦,每每我对某些事物有兴趣想要尝试的时候,我都告诉她这个那个看起来好好玩,我也要玩玩看 - 我玩不一样的运动,玩烘焙,玩...


玩,对我来说就是在尝试和學習新事物的最佳代詞;玩遊戲嘛,不必在乎結果如何成績如何,過程快樂又有滿足感就好。我總是相信,當你做著你愛做的事你就不會輕易放棄 - 熟能生巧,总有那么一天会 "玩" 出學問來。

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