Some of the Sunday, me and Justin love to have our breakfast at town, mostly local style American breakfast (toasted bread and half-boiled eggs) with authentic old-fashion Kopi that remind us the childhood breakie with parents.
Too bad the kopitiam that we wanted to have our breakfast is closed, due to Penang weekly car-free Sunday. Good thing is we get to explore the weekly car-free street for the 1st time ever since it was launch back in 2011.
I think the weekly car-free day at Penang George Town is one of the most successful event ever, not only encouraging people to cycle and walk, but also a totally perfect hideout place for family and friends after the hectic weekdays life with all the gadgets.
Further more, people get to explore the beautiful and unique architecture at UNESCO heritage city - the combination of modernize and heritage building at the same place. Not to mention the boutique cafe that springing out all around the old street at George Town, so much to offer at one place!
Truly I feel so proud and lucky to be a Penangites!
一些星期日早晨,我和爱人很喜欢到市中心享用美式早餐 - 香喷喷的烤面包和新鲜的半生熟鸡蛋,搭上传统香滑的咖啡,很有童年和阿嬷还有妈妈享用早餐的回忆。
不过我们也因祸得福,终于有机会第一次逛逛槟城政府自 2011 年开始推行的槟城乔治市无车日。