The weather is getting windy, which is something unusual as Chinese New Year suppose to be very warm. My sister told be there is an article says that the world temperature is dropping, and even in Malaysia the temperature wont be more than 33ºc. Hmm... it sounds like a good news for Malaysian? Guess we gonna have a cozy CNY not like usual.
Pair my studs skater skirt with leather sleeve tee to stay comfortable this windy season. Leather is not what Malaysian can wear all the time, especially it is so important for me to feel comfortable in what I'm wearing.
最近天气常常刮大风,可谓与平常农历新年理应比较闷热的天气背道而驰。妹妹说有个报导指出地球暖化,世界各地的气温都下降,即使是马来西亚,气温也不会超过 33ºc。这个对马来西亚人而言,应该是好消息吧?至少,我们可以有好天气过新年啦。
Skater 柳钉短裙搭上拼皮袖子的 T-恤,在刮风的天气最适合不过了。要知道,马来西亚温热的天气并不适合穿皮质单品;尤其对我来说,穿着舒适比什么都重要呢!