I actually bought this dress last year and it's a little too loose for me now. TRICKS - to cover it up with either vest or jacket.
Personally I do love floral but I'm just not the girly kind of girl that looks sweet
and ladylike in floral dress. Thus I decided to layer it with washed
denim vest that project my character and style better. If you prefer something not too casual, pair it with biker jacket and boots to get the tough-chic kind of look.
我很喜欢花卉印花,却不是那种斯文气质型的女生,单穿这件连衣裙的话总觉得有点滑稽;所以搭了件比较个性的水洗牛仔马甲,不会那么别扭,也比较适合自己的个性。如果你不想看起来这么随性,可以外搭一件骑士外套 + 高跟骑士靴,既帅气又时髦呢。