What a beautiful Sunday to spend time with all the pretty and energetic Kombatians to challenge ourself in the Warrior Games organize by WARRIOR BOOTCAMP PENANG.
美丽的星期日早晨,和一群充满活力的朋友挑战由 WARRIOR BOOTCAMP PENANG 主办的 Warrior Games 再适合不过了。这个游戏不但可以测试我们的体能和爆发力,也需要发挥团队的合作精神,互相鼓励加油。
It is so much fun challenging our fitness level and to work as a team. The 1st 20/20 challenge is the toughest among all the games, doing 180 degree jump-squat after completing the 20 stomach-burpees really is a hard task especially when you had to race against time. Our leg become so jelly after that, guess is time for us to improve out strength and train more!
In the 2nd game, we need to drag a tyre that contain a sand-bags and to carry a "riffle" which a pipe that loaded with sands, running a 100 meter (I guess) and turn back. My team-mate Harmit make the whole game looks so effortless with her ultimate strength, while I looks so funny with all the running "action" but hardly move at all (reminds me that poor snail "running scene" in Monster University, hahaha!)
In the 2nd game, we need to drag a tyre that contain a sand-bags and to carry a "riffle" which a pipe that loaded with sands, running a 100 meter (I guess) and turn back. My team-mate Harmit make the whole game looks so effortless with her ultimate strength, while I looks so funny with all the running "action" but hardly move at all (reminds me that poor snail "running scene" in Monster University, hahaha!)
第一个 20/20 挑战是游戏中最困难的;完成 20 下的 Burpees 后要继续完成 20 下的弹跳深蹲完全不简单,尤其是在和时间赛跑的当下,我们的腿都软了吖!看来我们还得加强训练才行了。
第二个游戏我们必须手中握着装有沙子的水管,并拉着装有沙包的轮胎来回跑。我的队友 Harmit 把整个挑战搞得很轻松简单似的,可见得她的力量有多神马了!不像我,明明很用力在跑,可是就几乎没什么移动的,笑挂身边的朋友,哈哈哈~(这也让我想起 Monster University 那可怜的小蜗牛呵)
第二个游戏我们必须手中握着装有沙子的水管,并拉着装有沙包的轮胎来回跑。我的队友 Harmit 把整个挑战搞得很轻松简单似的,可见得她的力量有多神马了!不像我,明明很用力在跑,可是就几乎没什么移动的,笑挂身边的朋友,哈哈哈~(这也让我想起 Monster University 那可怜的小蜗牛呵)
I think the 3rd game is the easiest among all - sit-ups and passing the weights between partners is not that difficult, most of us did 38 sit-ups within 1 minutes. The 4th game is where we really tested to work as TEAM! Hehe, I looks really effortless and comfortable while my team-mates carrying me, they are so strong and its really fearless when you trust your team-mates that they will never drop you no matter what.
而第三个尤其应该是最简单的了 - 仰卧起坐之余传沙包,没有什么难度;我们大多数人都在 1 分钟之内完成 38 下的仰卧起坐。而第四个游戏就是考验团队的合作精神了,她们抱着我的时候,看的出我其实很轻松也不会害怕,我信任她们,相信无论如何她们都不会让我摔着的;而我能做的,就是给她们加油打气~
We had so much fun throughout the whole game. We were nervous at the beginning but we all did a good job. My team BLACK MEGATRON make it to the 3rd place while team PURPLE DRAGON is on the 5th. Obviously it was not an easy thing but what's matter is we really had wonderful moments full of laughter and that sport spirit that makes us stronger and fitter!
一整个过程我们都很愉快。从一开始很紧张到最后的合作无间,我们成功夺下季军,而另一组朋友则在第五位。虽然这个游戏并不简单,可我们还是挑战成功啦~ Yeah!!!
Hehe nice photos and writeup ^^