Fight Mode ON

When I'm on the way to work this morning, just had that sudden EMO feeling that time flies and seems like I have achieve nothing...

When I'm on the way to work this morning, just had that sudden EMO feeling that time flies and seems like I have achieve nothing for the past few years. Sad huh? 

Well, I guess it is better to be late than never to start note down my new year resolutions - setting new goals for myself, and to challenge myself overcome the things I fear.

1. Earn more MONEY
Peoples who is in Graphic Design field will feel me, it is not easy to earn a living at Penang with design skills. Your salary could be worst than a fresh grad engineer even you are a Senior Graphic Designer, or Art Director. (Yes is that bad!) So, I'm considering to taking up more freelance job or to start a online business... Not really sure yet but if there is a will there is a way! Gogogo!!

2. BLOG More
I know I've neglecting my blog a lot since my personal photographer started his new job. We hardly go out on weekend due to his working schedule so no more photo shooting on OOTD. Anyhow, I'm planning to start blog more on my LOVE towards Penang, maybe start with the food and places that I love? Also I shall blog more on FITNESS (and DIETS) that actually taking 1/3 of my time, DAILY! 

3. EXPLORE Penang
To start blogging on food and places at Penang, I actually need to be more adventurous and outgoing person. NO MORE OTAKU GAL as usually I spend most of my ALONE weekend at HOME, either READING or BAKING. (Ha!!! sounds like a good idea to blog on BAKING instead!) 

YeS!!! This is the challenges for myself this year. I LOVE Muay Thai so much but I HATE (and FEAR) sparring, not only I feel awkward to hit my training partner/friends, also I'm so scared of all the injuries/damage on FACE/TEETH. (Hahaha, not to say my face is pretty and precious la, but people like me so aisuii very scared lo *KIASI*) Other than sparring, I need to overcome my HARD FEELINGS on clinching and rolling too. It's quite TRUE that you need to roll to improve the BJJ skills and techniques, or you will just forget all the techniques after class.

5. Sexy ABS
A very obvious and define abs is what I wanted for all the while. I'm not there yet so I need to try harder!! - More abs workout EVERYDAY and less junk food **Maybe after I finish my favorite leftover CNY cookies? LOLs**!!

6. First TATTOO
YESSS!! After so many years of consideration, I've decided what I want for my FIRST tattoo, on my wrist! Probably will get this done by my BIRTHDAY, as a birthday present for myself!  



1. 赚多一些钱
身为平面设计师的人应该和我有同感,我们要在槟城生存一点都不简单。很多时候, Senior Graphic Designer 甚至 Art Director 的薪水分分钟比一个大学刚毕业的工程设计师还低微。目前还在考虑是应该多接 Freelance 来做呢,还是搞网店之类的。天无绝人之路,总会有办法的!

2. 更常更新部落格
自从私人摄影师(男朋友)换了新工作之后,我们很少见面,即使是周末也难得会碰面,所以根本没有机会拍摄我的 OOTD 照片。不过,自己是有打算多写些自己对槟城的热爱,像是食物还是某些漂亮特别的景致等等。还有就是占了自己生活一大部分的健身/运动/健康饮食,觉得把这一些记录下来,不但可以督促自己更努力一点,也希望可以给热爱运动的朋友一些鼓励。

3. 多出门走走

学泰拳差不多 2 年来了,依然很乐在其中,美中不足的是,自己就是对 sparring 兴致缺缺,不但觉得攻击自己的 队友/朋友 很奇怪,也很害怕脸或牙齿受伤的话怎么办?!(是啦,我的脸是不漂亮啦,所以才要特别小心咩!)除了 sparring 也要开始参与 rolling,不然上了几堂的 BJJ 课还是什么都没学到,只有 rolling 才能帮助训练灵敏度和技巧还真所言不假吖!*这么恐怖的挑战,不懂自己可以克服吗?怀疑-ing*

5. 性感人鱼线

6. 第一个纹身

That's it for my 2015 New Year Resolution, not sure how many of it I can accomplish, but definitely a GOOD start to be a BETTER me :)

呃~ 2015 的目标的挑战差不多就这些吧。很怀疑自己究竟可以完成多少,不过总好过什么都没做到不是么 :)

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