It's a Plane!

We don't need plan for the weekend spend together, sometimes. After having our lunch, he decided to show me where he use to shoot...

We don't need plan for the weekend spend together, sometimes. After having our lunch, he decided to show me where he use to shoot for air-plane, I can't never understand what's the fun to "chase" for air-plane but can't deny its a cozy place, so windy and cooling even under the hot sun.

在一起的周日不一定要有任何计划 - 就像那某一天,用过午餐后他心血来潮带我去看看他以前拍摄飞机的小地方。虽然我不明白拍摄飞机有什么吸引之处啦,不过不得不承认那里真的很优,凉风习习的,即使烈日当空也觉得凉爽。

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